April 8, 2012 Resurrection morning
I am pouring out My Spirit at this time for all who seek Me. I am ever near. Seek Me and you will find Me. My heart longs to be Your friend, Your Redeemer. Rejoice! For My Father's will is accomplished. I will guide you in all things, in all ways. You are Mine, precious in My sight. Allow Me to work through you while there is yet a little light still on this planet for the curtain is drawing to a close. Night is fast approaching. Be still and know My love, My ways. A day is coming when all will seem hopeless, especially for those who have not already chosen Me. Terror will reign, but remember, I am the King of the Universe and everything answers to Me. Stand firm as My soldiers. I will give you the courage and strength you need to endure. Trust in Me. Do not fear anything My child. Go now, and rest in Me.
I am pouring out My Spirit at this time for all who seek Me. I am ever near. Seek Me and you will find Me. My heart longs to be Your friend, Your Redeemer. Rejoice! For My Father's will is accomplished. I will guide you in all things, in all ways. You are Mine, precious in My sight. Allow Me to work through you while there is yet a little light still on this planet for the curtain is drawing to a close. Night is fast approaching. Be still and know My love, My ways. A day is coming when all will seem hopeless, especially for those who have not already chosen Me. Terror will reign, but remember, I am the King of the Universe and everything answers to Me. Stand firm as My soldiers. I will give you the courage and strength you need to endure. Trust in Me. Do not fear anything My child. Go now, and rest in Me.
Joel 2:28,29