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Zelle Process (Updated)

Sunday, August 19, 2012


It is with a heavy heart that I speak with you this day. Much, in fact, most of the world has chosen the path of darkness, the angel of death and destruction. I see continual rebellion, and a constant desire for things of the flesh. Every aspect of your societies reflect this fact, and it brings such sorrow to Me, your Heavenly Father. How is a Father to accept the fact that although I have given you the free will, the innate spirit within you that is a part of Me, most of you still choose death? And not only this physical death in your members, your body, but an eternal death with consequences so painful, that you could have no idea even what you have chosen for yourself for all time. I have poured out a love on My people always, a love that transcends anything you could ever experience here in this life as you know it. Yet, you crave this darkness, you desire it wholeheartedly, and completely, and you leave no room for Me, your Creator, to fill any space in your lives. You have shunned Me at every turn, and vehemently denied even My existence. How is this possible in you? How can you not comprehend that you have a wonderful, loving, forgiving Father that has promised to care for you and provide for you as long as you turn to Me? I offer eternal life, but death and darkness is your path. This perverse generation is no different than those of the past, and I am a just God. If I did not withhold My hand of judgement on those nations, then why would I withhold My hand now, when so many mock Me and My commandments? You are so blazen and unabashed in your pride and your demonstrations of obedience and reverance to satan, hence, observe your most recent world event, the Olympics. What an opportunity for My people to represent Me, to show Me all of the glory, the honor, and the praise and adoration. Many athletes did just that, and I hold them dear to My heart and I will continue to bless them. However, what a spectacle to witness as you celebrated and elevated demonic rituals, traditions and mock sacrifices to the king of the underworld through your music, costumes, and styles of dancing. You paid homage to the New World Order and the powers that now govern your everyday life. How revolting and disgusting was this to me as your Heavenly Father, the One who created you with a specific mission, a purpose, and a destination of eternity with Me in My Kingdom. You crave sensuality and idolatry, and  I am turning you over to all of these things. I will give you all that you desire, for as I have said before, it is your free will that I respect. You have abandoned Me, but I will still, never abandon you. You may still turn to Me at any time and repent, fall on your faces and ask Me to change your hardened hearts and restore  you and it will be granted. This is My earnest desire for all of you walking in darkness, and this hell on earth that you have created for yourselves. You are walking on a sea of very, very thin ice which at any moment will crack completely and swallow you whole. My people ! There is always hope though for those who seek it. There is always Me. Know this as well. I have allowed  enemy nations to come in very close proximity to your land. I have allowed the enemy from the east access to your borders, they are even within your nation and at your gates. Your high towers will be brought low, the exalted will be humbled. Missiles will reign down from the sky and the fires you are experiencing now are nothing in comparison to what I am about to do. Some cities will become uninhabitable and places will cease to exist. I will continue to dry up your rivers and your streams and you will see who it is who has been  providing  for you. My hand of protection will no longer be with you as I give you over to your desires. Your government here in America has betrayed its own for the New World Order which is to come and will rule for a short time. You were the greatest nation on earth, and you were meant to lead by example. I  watch in horror as you murder millions of innocent souls each year, and fight to keep these laws enacted.  You have mirrored the idolatry, fornication, and wickedness of other nations and then expounded on them, bragging and wallowing in your own filth. So now, your pride and your greed and your disobedience will bring your utter destruction. Woe to those who have immersed themselves in their own mire, disregarding My gift of love and unity with Me in My Kingdom. I am a righteous God and I will be vindicated and all will know that I am God Almighty. I urge you if you have not already chosen Light, do so now, for the time of the end is upon you. 
Your Loving and Ever-Merciful Father. 


James 4:8

King James Version (KJV)
Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.

Galatians 6:7-9

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

James 1:15

15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Romans 6:23

23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.