Monday, February 1, 2021


Yahushua, as one Spirit in You, we cry out to You this late hour, as your remnant Bride and army for mercy and strength.  We cry and mourn for all the evil that is taking place in this world, and our hearts are saddened, as Yours is, for so many that are still lost. 

We repent for all the wickedness that is occurring daily and intercede for those who are caught up in such horrendous darkness and deception. We repent for all those who are shedding innocent blood through abortion or satanic ritual sacrifice. We repent for all crimes against humanity- human trafficking, abuse of children and the elderly, and those committed against harmless, innocent and defenseless souls, especially vaccinations against the will of those who are made in Your image. 

We repent for our leaders, all those in authority who have made decisions and have established laws that are blatantly in violation of Your Holy Word and Your commandments. Please Yahushua! There are still many of us who obey You and love You with all of our heart, soul and strength. Please have mercy on us, our families and children. For all those whose life You will require today, we pray that You would give them one last opportunity to choose You as their Messiah before they enter into eternity, whether into eternal life or into eternal damnation.

You are Elohim, Elyon, The Most High God. You are El Shaddai, The Almighty. You are El Olam, The Everlasting One. We only follow You, The voice of our True King and Yahweh Rohi, Our Shepherd, Our very soon coming Bridegroom. 

You are Yahweh Tsebaoth,  The Lord of Hosts. You are El Gibhor, Mighty to save. You are Adonai, The King and Lord of all creation, The King of Glory, The Only Son of the Most High Yahuah. You are Yahweh Tsuri, The Rock. You are the Only Way, the Truth, and the Life. You are the Door, the Gatekeeper and the Path to eternal life. You lead us on paths of righteousness for Your name's sake, and You are Our Rock and Foundation on which we stand, Our High Tower and the Lifter of our heads. 

You are Our Refuge and Defense in times of trouble, Our Shield, Our Deliverer and Our only Hope. You are Our Comforter, Our Friend, and Our Wise Counselor. You are the Faithful One, and He who our soul longs for constantly. We call upon You and have great faith that You will hear us and answer us according to Your perfect will. 

Our lamps are full of Your oil, and we are awake, waiting for Your Ruach, Your Holy Spirit to fill us to overflowing for our final assignments. This earth, especially the USA, is plunging further and further into darkness, as the plans and schemes of the enemy are coming to pass with increasing intensity and wickedness daily now. We plead with You Yahushua, please remember us in the judgments, and save us from the powers of darkness. Protect us from the evil one, satan and all his dark kingdom. We cover ourselves and our loved ones in Your Holy and precious blood, and ask forgiveness for our sins and the sins committed by anyone in our bloodline. 

We pray for Your mercy, especially now that You are pouring out Your indignation upon the earth, bringing recompense where it is due. We refuse to live in fear or be shaken by what we will see now, as You will fulfill Your Word- to shake all things that can be shaken. We stand on You, The Solid Ground and Your Sword of Truth. 

For those who are made in Your image but have given themselves over to darkness, especially our own loved ones, we ask that Your Holy Spirit, Your Ruach Hakodesh would powerfully move in their lives this moment and convict them of sin, righteousness and judgment, bringing them to repentance and brokenness before it is too late for their souls. For those who are not made in Your image, but are hybrids, creatures and manifestations of satan, and are not of You, we pray that in Your perfect timing, You would bring them to destruction and eternal damnation as You fulfill Your Word. The hour of trial has begun on the earth, and the Day of the Lord is at hand. We trust in You, and we believe Yahushua that You are about to do something in our day that we would not believe, even if You would have told us. 

We rejoice in that we have been created for such a time as this, and we thank you for choosing us for these positions. We ask You for the grace and strength needed to sustain us through the storm until You bring us home to Your Kingdom. We, again, offer our lives to you as living sacrifices, empty vessels that You may continue to refine until we are fully equipped to be used as instruments of Your Glory here on earth. We are Your battle axe and weapons of war, as we wield the Holy Word of Yahuah and slay the enemy with Your command. We pray to be filled with the peace that only You can give and the joy unspeakable, as the ways of man come to an end, and Your Kingdom invades the earth completely. 

Hide us under the shelter of Your wing and be Our Fortress, Our Shield and Buckler. We pray that our hands and feet would be Your hands and feet, that our words are Your words, as we speak life to all those You send our way. May our hearts be completely unified with Your heart and exhibit great love and compassion, as we minister to, care for, heal, and manifest Your Kingdom and all it encompasses. 

We are ready Father! Please finish the work that you have begun in each of us for You are coming very, very soon as Our King and Our Groom. May Your will alone be done, on earth as it is in Heaven, and may no weapon that is formed against us prosper!

Amen and amen