Thursday, October 17, 2024


 Dear friends in Yahushua,

Happy Feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles to all of you!  

I have wanted to come back here and post an update for over a week now but I've been praying and seeking the Lord as to what I should write. There is so, so much information that has come out now after Hurricane Helene, and the absolutely gut wrenching suffering, devastation and destruction that has occurred. I will say that Father is always faithful, and always in control. His ways are not our ways and we have to keep trusting in His design no matter what we see. Remember how many times in His messages that He has told us that His remnant Bride would see much? It has now become our reality. 

 He has protected my family and I and kept us from the brunt of this horrific and apocalyptic judgment, but I cry daily and I'll be totally honest, I'm finding it very difficult to rejoice when I have seen and heard so much now. I still have not been able to reach a dear sister in Christ and her family in Asheville, NC, where much of the horrific flooding occurred, and this is very difficult. Our county has resumed daily routines for the most part, but there has been much damage very close to here with properties that are close to the New River losing everything. There is so much debris and trash and literal buildings in the waterways, and in our river here, we have been told that the river may be completely dangerous to enter at this point. So, so very heartbreaking as our family and so many others enjoy the beauty of this place. 

The evil that has been unleashed is definitive of all we read in His Word that is ordained for these end days and in reality, it has been quite sickening. I know that many, many of you feel the exact same way and your hearts are shattered at what is now taking place with these increasing judgments that Father is allowing. 

A simple internet search on YouTube or any social media platform will give you more than enough information about how this all came to be in North Carolina and southeast Tennessee. Because of my personal relationship with two individuals that have had first hand contact with the disaster areas, I can say that the information about F*MA as a 'rescue' organization are sadly true. I will add this link I came across today that sums it up pretty well for anyone interested, but I believe I am to refrain from posting too much about this on this platform. Reports from our local news stations and from those who went through the flood and can testify firsthand of what happened say there are estimated to be thousands upon thousands dead. We may never know. Father has always told us to pray especially for those who will die suddenly, just as so many of these people did. Pray for the lost constantly!!!! It's so very important now as more judgments are imminently upon us. It is also now becoming bitter cold here and I would ask for your increased prayers for those who have lost literally everything.

I would like to especially thank each one of you who are praying for me and my family regularly. Please know we pray for all of you and all your intentions as well. Thank you to those who anonymously send gifts through Zelle, and thank you for our faithful monthly supporters who have been with us through thick and thin. We can not do any of this without all of you and we love you all with Yahushua's heart!

Stay strong my family, pray constantly, repent often throughout the day, keep watching, waiting and trusting our King Yahushua. We will soon have the understanding we so desire. He will not abandon us or forsake us and He is our Refuge and Fortress in the middle of the storms. 

May Yahushua greatly bless you, protect you, provide for you and keep you and your loved ones close always, until He comes for us which is very, very, VERY SOON!!!!

Shalom, shalom,

Julie and family