Friday, September 27, 2024


 Dear family in Yahushua,

Our region is in the midst of Hurricane Helene, and we were not expecting the intensity that we are seeing. It reminds me of my years in Florida and the experience has been like a Cat. 2  to Cat. 3 here in the mountains with the winds and the damage that have occurred everywhere. We have received around 15 to 20 inches of rain in about 36 hours. 

Our county and the surrounding counties, as well as many in the Southeast US are in the process and have already experienced catastrophic damage from this storm. Our hearts and prayers go out to so many who have been affected by this hurricane, and we are praying for all involved, as well as the first responders.  

My family and I are ok, but we have several trees down on our land and two large trees on our roof. Praise be to Yahushua they did not come through the roof and from what we can tell inside, the house damage looks to be minimal. We have water in the basement, garage and barn, but Father's hand is upon us, as well as His warrior angels, hallelujah!!! It is a miracle we still have internet service!

There are major roads that have parts washed away, and many areas and secondary roads are completely inaccessible because of downed power lines, trees and flooding. All emergency departments are suspending rescue and help for the time being until this storm passes. There are mudslides where the mountains have come down, and terrible flash flooding everywhere. Most everyone is out of power. 

We are asking for unified prayer from our family in Yahushua for all who are affected all over the southeast US. The effective, fervent prayer of the righteous man avails much!!! There is so much power we have collectively when we pray as one family!!! Once the storm has moved on, and we get more updates, I will make another post.  

All praise, honor and glory be to our King of kings, Yahushua for His protection over us and His faithfulness in bringing us through this judgment. 

In His love,

Julie and family