Monday, November 30, 2020



We come before you in prayer to lift up all those who are first responders, firefighters, and law enforcement, all those in the military, medical field, and those called upon to protect and serve their fellow brothers and sisters in any type of crisis or emergency situation no matter what it may be. We know that we live in times of unprecedented danger, and we realize the urgency of the hour and the incredible need to pray more than ever before for each other, as we prepare for Your return for us. 

We pray that if any of the above brothers and sisters do not know you personally as their Messiah, that You would send Your Holy Spirit to them through those they come in contact with. We pray that they would come to the knowledge of You as their Savior, so that Your grace would be enough to sustain them, as they face all types of danger and more serious challenges that are imminently upon us. Please send Your holy angels to protect them and remain with them and their loved ones during all times. We pray for Your supernatural peace to be with them no matter what situation they are facing. May Your peace, strength and protection be over their loved ones, families, relationships and marriages as well. 

Please be with them and strengthen them as they face so much evil and brokenness in this world. Help them to recognize that when they encounter people full of anger, rage or fear, it is often because those they are called to help do not know You. Prompt them to speak of You and the love You have for all Your children, whenever they have the opportunity to do so. 

We ask that You would protect them emotionally as well as physically, mentally and psychologically from the combination of anxiety and stress they face when they are always on guard and in position to respond to a crisis at any moment. We declare that no spirits of fatigue or exhaustion, panic, fear or terror would overtake them. Please guard their hearts and minds Yahushua, and do not allow them to grow weary of well doing. We pray that in their times of need and weakness, they would turn to You because You are our Strength and our Fortress.

Father we pray that all of those mentioned would exercise great wisdom and knowledge in the decisions they make, always looking to you for wise counsel. May they walk in complete honesty, integrity and servanthood to those they help. We pray that they would be respectful to all they come in contact with, and exhibit compassion to those in need. May they imitate You in how they respond and set an example to all they come in contact with in every situation. 

Please cover them Father with Your Holy and precious blood and protect them this day and always. We thank You for their lives of service and give thanks that You have raised them up to these positions of responsibility in these times of need. 

Amen and amen.